會議緣起 History of NCCE
中華民國第三十五屆燃燒與能源學術研討會(35th National Conference on Combustion and Energy)是由中華民國燃燒學會(The Combustion Institute of R.O.C.)所發起,每年舉辦一次之學術研討會,並同時舉行燃燒學會年會。
The 35th National Conference on Combustion and Energy, initiated by The Combustion Institute of the Republic of China (R.O.C.), is an annual academic conference that coincides with the institute’s annual general meeting. Traditionally, this event has been hosted by various public and private universities in Taiwan on a rotational basis. In recent years, the conference has been co-organized by both academia and industry to foster collaboration and strengthen the ties between academic research and industrial application.
For instance, National Cheng Kung University and China Steel Corporation jointly organized the event, which was held at China Steel Corporation in Kaohsiung, and Chang Gung University co-hosted the conference with the Industrial Technology Research Institute at its Hsinchu campus. In subsequent years, the event returned to university campuses, with National Central University, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, National Cheng Kung University, and National Sun Yat-sen University taking turns hosting. Last year, Kun Shan University organized the conference, and this year, National Tsing Hua University will take on the role of host.
This event continues to bring together academia, industry, and government stakeholders to enhance collaboration in the fields of combustion and energy, promote academic exchange, and advance technological innovation.
會議目的 Purpose of Conference
能源與人類的發展息息相關,燃燒技術在能源的轉換中,扮演著關鍵的腳色,隨著科技的演進,人類對於燃燒於能源的應用,由燃燒木材至煤炭,乃至燃燒石油與其提煉產物、天然氣等,應用的範圍包含家庭用的瓦斯、工廠生產之工業爐、飛機火箭與飛彈之推進器、汽車內燃機引擎、燃煤與天然氣發電廠…等,由此可以看出燃燒與人類的生活與發展息息相關,更是在能源與動力發展上所佔有的極重要地位。因此許多科學家與工程師們,致力發展高效能的燃燒暨能源轉換技術, 以有效地利用地球資源,如化石燃料、天然氣、煤炭等藉由燃燒轉換為熱、功與電,並減少對環境的衝擊與污染。此外,新興潔淨能源的開發,以降低對化石燃料的依賴、發展節能技術,以降低用電量進而減少燃煤發電所造成的汙染,皆是重要的議題。
自 1973 與 1979 年發生第一次與第二次能源危機後,各國已將能源的開發及有效管理做為其工業發展的重要項目,其中燃燒科技的應用及改善,則為達成上述目標的重要方法。然而台灣的能源資源極度缺乏,高度仰賴化石燃料的進口,以2016 年為例,台灣能源總供給中,進口能源即占近 98%,且多以燃燒方式的應用為主,其占比約 85%。而其所衍生的諸多汙染問題中又以空氣污染最為嚴重。由於空氣汙染所造成的全球暖化與氣候變遷的現象,人們對污染負面效應漸漸地覺醒,加速了排放物控制和計量技術的發展,特別是 2015 年聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第 21 屆締約國會議已通過的「巴黎協定」,對各國造成強烈壓力。因此, 在能源短缺及環境污染兩大壓力下,如何提升燃燒效率、發展替代能源與再生能源、改善污染防治技術,以確保能源安全、綠色經濟、環境永續與社會公平的均衡發展,成為燃燒與能源科技研究與發展的重要課題。
中華民國燃燒學會(以下簡稱本會),係以促進燃燒與能源之研究和應用為宗旨的學術團體,並以提昇我國燃燒與能源科技水準為目標,崇尚學術研究並擴展工業應用。本會同時為代表我國參與國際燃燒總會(The Combustion Institute)的分會代表,並積極舉辦並參與有關燃燒與能源方面的國內外活動,促進我國燃燒相關科技之研究及發展,並擴展應用到工業界,尤其在機械、化工、土木、防災、環工污染防治、航太推進、防火與消防等等方面,都與燃燒應用息息相關。尤其在機械、化工、土木、防災、環工污染防治、航太推進、防火與消防等等方面。過去20多年來,本會積極舉辦並參與有關燃燒與能源方面之國內外活動,除於 2009年主辦亞太國際燃燒研討會(ASPACC),2013 年國際爆炸與反應系統動力研討會(ICDERS),也於 2015 年主辦國際霧化與噴霧研討會(ICLASS),並於2023再次主辦亞太國際燃燒研討會(ASPACC),皆為國際間該領域最重要的會議,以提昇我國於國際燃燒界之知名度及學術地位為本會之主要的使命。 自中華民國燃燒學會成立以來所舉辦的全國性燃燒與能源學術研討會,其目的在提供國內燃燒與能源科技之學者專家相互連繫、溝通與交流之機會,除學術論文發表,分享研究成果與實務心得外,也藉由邀請國際知名學者專家,引進各項新思維與新技術。本次(2025年)中華民國燃燒學會第 35 屆燃燒與能源學術研討會研討會將由清華大學工程與系統科學系主辦,由清華大學原子科學院、陽明交通大學機機工程系與清華大學自強基金會共同舉辦,藉由理論與實務的探討,達成學術交流與產學合作之目的,結合產官學研的力量,提昇國內燃燒與能源研究的競爭力。
Energy is closely intertwined with human development, and combustion technology plays a critical role in energy conversion. As technology advances, the application of combustion in energy usage has evolved from burning wood to coal, oil and its refined products, and natural gas. These applications span a wide range of uses, including household gas, industrial furnaces, propulsion systems for aircraft, rockets, and missiles, internal combustion engines in vehicles, and coal- and natural gas-fired power plants. This highlights the close connection between combustion and human life and development, as well as its vital importance in energy and power advancements.
To address these needs, many scientists and engineers are dedicated to developing high-efficiency combustion and energy conversion technologies to make effective use of Earth’s resources—such as fossil fuels, natural gas, and coal—while reducing environmental impact and pollution. Furthermore, the development of emerging clean energy sources to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and the promotion of energy-saving technologies to lower electricity consumption and mitigate pollution from coal-fired power generation have become crucial topics.
Since the first and second energy crises in 1973 and 1979, countries worldwide have prioritized energy development and effective management as key aspects of industrial progress. The application and improvement of combustion technologies have become important strategies to achieve these goals. Taiwan, however, faces a severe lack of energy resources and is heavily reliant on imported fossil fuels. For example, in 2016, nearly 98% of Taiwan’s total energy supply was imported, with combustion accounting for approximately 85% of energy applications. Among the environmental issues arising from this, air pollution is the most significant.
Global awareness of the adverse effects of pollution, such as global warming and climate change, has grown. This has accelerated the development of emissions control and measurement technologies, especially after the adoption of the Paris Agreement during the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2015, which imposed significant pressure on countries worldwide. Under the dual pressures of energy shortages and environmental pollution, enhancing combustion efficiency, developing alternative and renewable energy sources, and improving pollution control technologies have become critical challenges in the research and development of combustion and energy technologies. These efforts aim to ensure energy security, green economic growth, environmental sustainability, and equitable societal development.
The Combustion Institute of the Republic of China (hereafter referred to as “the Institute”) is an academic organization dedicated to promoting research and application in combustion and energy. Its mission is to enhance Taiwan’s technological capabilities in these fields while encouraging academic research and expanding industrial applications. As the representative of Taiwan to the international Combustion Institute, the Institute actively organizes and participates in domestic and international activities related to combustion and energy. It fosters research and development in combustion-related technologies and their industrial applications, particularly in areas such as mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, disaster prevention, environmental engineering and pollution control, aerospace propulsion, fire protection, and firefighting.
Over the past 20 years, the Institute has actively organized and participated in various domestic and international combustion and energy-related events. Notably, it hosted major international conferences such as the Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Conversion (ASPACC) in 2009 and 2023, the International Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) in 2013, and the International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS) in 2015. These events have significantly enhanced Taiwan’s academic reputation and standing in the international combustion community.
Since its inception, the Institute has organized the National Conference on Combustion and Energy with the aim of providing a platform for domestic scholars and experts in combustion and energy to connect, communicate, and exchange ideas. In addition to academic paper presentations and the sharing of research outcomes and practical experiences, the conference invites internationally renowned scholars and experts to introduce new perspectives and technologies. The 35th Combustion and Energy Academic Symposium of the Combustion Society of the Republic of China (2025) will be hosted by the Department of Engineering and System Science at National Tsing Hua University, co-organized by the College of Nuclear Science at National Tsing Hua University, the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and the Tsing Hua University Ziqiang Foundation. Through discussions on theory and practice, the conference aims to achieve academic exchange and industry-academia collaboration, harnessing the combined efforts of academia, industry, government, and research institutions to enhance the competitiveness of combustion and energy research in Taiwan.
學會過去重要事蹟 Important Past Achievements of the Institute
- 2004年由國立中央大學籌辦第十四屆之全國燃燒學術研討會,
- 2005年由國立中正大學籌辦第十五屆之全國燃燒學術研討會,
- 2006年由國立海洋大學籌辦第十六屆之全國燃燒學術研討會,
- 2007年由國立臺灣大學籌辦第十七屆之全國燃燒學術研討會,
- 2008年由國立雲林科技大學籌辦第十八屆全國燃燒學術研討會,
- 2009年由國立宜蘭大學籌辦第十九屆之全國燃燒學術研討會,
- 2010年由崑山科技大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第二十屆學術研討會,
- 2011年由國立虎尾科技大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第二十一屆學術研討會,
- 2012年由國立高苑科技大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第二十二屆學術研討會,
- 2013年由國立交通大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第二十三屆學術研討會,
- 2014年由國立成功大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第二十四屆學術研討會,
- 2015年由國立成功大學與中國鋼鐵股份有限公司籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第二十五屆學術研討會,
- 2016年由長庚大學與工業技術研究院籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第二十六屆學術研討會,
- 2017年由國立中興大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第二十七屆學術研討會,
- 2018年由國立中央大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第二十八屆學術研討會,
- 2019年由國立高雄科技大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第二十九屆學術研討會,
- 2020年由國立勤益科技大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第三十屆學術研討會,
- 2021年由國立虎尾科技大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第三十一屆學術研討會。
- 2022年由國立成功大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第三十二屆學術研討會
- 2023由國立中山大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第三十三屆學術研討會。
- 2024由崑山科技大學籌辦中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第三十四屆學術研討會。
The 35th conference will be organized by National Tsing Hua University on May 3, 2025, and will be held at the National Tsing Hua University Learning Resource Center (Wanghong Hall), Hwai Pwu Hall, and Green Energy Building.