114 年 新竹文化參訪一日 Hsinchu Cultural Visit – One Day
行程日期 Date of the itinerary: 114/05/04(日) May 4, 2025 (Sunday)
行程內容 itinerary content:
早餐 Breakfast: 布羅特餐盒 Brot Boxed Meal
午餐 Lunch: 麥克田園烤肉 Barbecue at mike Farm
晚餐 Dinne: 敬請自理 On own
→09:00 新竹自強基金會搭乘巴士出發 Depart from Ziqiang Foundation, Hsinchu by bus
→10:00-15:00 北埔麥克田園 Beipu mike Farm
→15:30-16:30 北埔老街街 Beipu Old Street
→預計Estimated 1700-1730 抵達新竹自強基金會 arrival at Ziqiang Foundation, Hsinchu
The itinerary and meals may be adjusted based on actual circumstances, but all activities and mentioned meals will be completed. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation if adjustments are necessary.
In case of tourist site closures, accommodation changes, or unavoidable circumstances (such as bad weather), the company reserves the right to alter the itinerary.

北埔老街 Beipu Old Street
北埔老街在清朝時期是繁華的商業中心。 今天,這條 200 公尺長的街道擁有七處歷史遺跡,密度為台灣之冠。 著名的古蹟包括國家級古蹟金光甫宅第、天水會館,以及縣級古蹟慈天宮和江阿信洋房。 遊客可在此品嚐客家美食,如雷茶和著名的石頭柿餅。 街上沒有大型連鎖店,保持著樸素的風情。
Beipu Old Street was the bustling commercial center during the Qing Dynasty. Today, the 200-meter street boasts seven historical sites, the highest density in Taiwan. Notable sites include the national monuments Jin Guang Fu House and Tian Shui Hall, as well as the county monuments Ci Tian Temple and Jiang A Xin Western-style House. Visitors can enjoy Hakka delicacies such as Lei Cha and the famous stone persimmon cakes. The street maintains a simple and rustic charm, free from large chain stores.
After exploring Beipu Old Street, everyone will board the bus and return to the meeting point, heading back to the warmest place—home!
北埔麥克田園 Beipu mike Farm
麥客田園成立於 2002 年,位於新竹縣北埔鄉南埔文化生態區內,佔地 12000 平方公尺,可同時容納 1000 人進行活動,並備有三座大型停車場,是體驗客家米食與傳統文化的最佳鄉土旅遊景點。園區內設有:焢窯區、烤肉區、客家擂茶區、客家米食DIY 區、大型水車乙座、洗手/洗腳區 (老式汲水機)、古農具展示區、可愛動物區、哺集乳室、護理站、會議室、無障礙空間廁所、青青草原、柑橘園區、生態池、綠色隧道..等。
Established in 2002, Mike Farm is located in the Nanpu Cultural and Ecological Area of Beipu Township, Hsinchu County. Covering 12,000 square meters, it can accommodate 1,000 people and has three large parking lots. It is a top spot for experiencing Hakka rice cuisine and traditional culture. The park includes a kiln area, barbecue area, Hakka Lei Cha area, Hakka rice cuisine DIY area, large waterwheel, hand/foot washing area, ancient farm tools exhibition area, cute animal area, breastfeeding room, nursing station, conference room, accessible toilets, green lawn, citrus orchard area, ecological pond, green tunnel, and more.
“Next, we will head to the barbecue area at Maike Tianyuan to enjoy a barbecue together.